This past Wednesday, Connor started daycare. We starting off gradually and he's only going for half days right now. I was surprisingly NOT a basket-case! He seemed real happy and he smiled at his new teacher, Bonita. There are only a few babies in his class and that makes me feel real good.
I do carry around this empty feeling with me and feel a little weird not having him with me all the time. I miss him so much. The time has really flown.
I'm not sure what I will feel like when I have to leave him for a full day. I hope I will keep it together. I guess the separation is harder on me than it is for him. However, I think he is like his daddy in that he's a pretty laid back little man. He doesn't seem to get worked up about much at this point. Which is totally not like me! :)
He is such an angel and I am so thankful for my beautiful little boy!